
21DAY Participants Get Your Pain Healing Supplement Here

Stop Joint Pain, Swelling & Stiffness The Easy Way Without Harmful Side-Effects

No Matter your age or how bad your Joints

Designed To Target the Root Cause of Osteoarthritis and RA.
Optimized for Cartilage Repair and Healing. works straight away.

We make it easy to order. Get discount by ordering online. Get even more savings by ordering a 3 or 6month supply.

5-Year Shelf Life when kept in cool and dark storage.

Hi my name is Jeff Hubbard! 

Thanks for visiting my website.

Having joint pain can interfere with life. 

When your joints are swollen, puffy and stiff, it's difficult to get out of bed let alone put on underwear, socks or shoes.

It can make you feel 100 years old, or inadequate or held back.

It sometimes shows on your face,... all the grimacing causes wrinkles and a tired look.

It's like the life is being drained out of you.

I know because I went through this with my knee and back.

It's super important not to give up.

Even if you've tried the traditional, so-called "solutions" out there and it didn't work, or even worse, made things worse or upset your stomach.

Even if the professionals like doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists can't seem to fix it,... don't give up.

I want to let you in on a secret...

... joint pain is often a symptom of a deeper problem. It's NOT the problem itself.

The good news is, the deeper problem is easier to fix than you might think. And I'm gonna show you how.

But before I do, there's one big mistake you must stop making immediately.

That is...

Stop Taking Over-The-Counter Drugs

Like:  Advil, Aleve, Bayer, Bufferin, Motrin, Excedrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen.

I'm not totally against drugs but there's a time and place for them.

Taking man-made drugs are harming you and further destroying your joints.

It's just too dangerous to take "Over-the-Counters"

It's not just my opinion. 

The FDA strongly warns the public of possible stroke and heart attack. Read more...


The pain can get so bad you ignore the risks and take them just to get some temporary relief.

I know. I've done it myself.

But if you take them for more than 7 days, you put yourself at serious risk (according to WebMD).

That's why I developed Joint NutraCare (JNC).

I had severe back and knee problems for many years. Some days were better than others but nothing I would do would fix it (and I'm a physical therapist!).

Eventually I ended up having to get surgery. I put it off, and put it off, but eventually I had no choice.

That's why I developed Joint NutraCare (JNC),... so you don't have to go through what I did.

You don't need to risk your health by using "Over-The-Counter" anti-inflammatories and painkillers. The side effects of man-made drugs can harm and destroy your stomach, organs, heart and brain.

I hope you give it a try. You're worth it.

Wishing you much happiness and health,

-Jeff Hubbard, Physical Therapist, Joint Pain & Nutrition Expert 

The Common Causes of Joint Pain

Most all joint pain is caused by one, or all, of these 3 causes no matter how mild or severe it may be.

They are:

  1. Systemic Inflammation:
    When your body's toxin level is high and the antioxidant level is low, your body goes into what's called "Oxidative Stress".  The aftermath leads to systemic inflammation and precipitates pain and stiffness in joints. There are two ways to improve this. The most popular being taking oral supplements like vitamin C, E, beta carotene, selenium, etc. But for those with joint problems, it's not enough. It requires a more advanced form of healing.
  2. Local Inflammation & Swelling:
    Joints can get aggravated and injured if there's a lack of fluid and nutrients getting to the joint. Even a regular twist can cause pain. Improving joint fluid and nutrients is key to having mobility pain-free.
  3. Your Body's Not Absorbing Protein Adequately:
    People with joint pain are found to have a problem absorbing protein from the foods they eat.  Protein is needed to keep muscles strong. When protein doesn't get absorbed properly, the muscles get weak. And the joints lose their protection. This leads to more joint wear-n-tear. Exercise alone won't help if the muscles don't get the building blocks they need to strengthen. 

These are the common causes of joint pain. Here's what's needed to improve it...

How to Stop Joint Pain (& Heal Quickly)

The best way to stop joint pain according to scientific studies is by making the joint healthier and stronger.  I'll show you how in a second...

The pain relief can be fast and last much longer than drugs. And sometimes, heals it for good.

The 3 scientifically proven steps include:

These are special compounds found in nature that have extra antioxidant power (stronger than vitamin C, E, beta carotene, etc.).  These super antioxidants rapidly detoxify the body and reduce oxidative stress and systemic inflammation. Just one of the super-antioxidants found in JNC was proven in a scientific study* to an increase in chondrocyte function (cells in cartilage that pass nutrients and keep joints healthy). The results showed significant pain relief regardless of the joint or amount of damage. It doesn't matter if it's the knee, back, shoulders, neck, hands or hip, chondrocyte health leads to pain relief. Other benefits seen in the study included improvement in those with diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

Joints and cartilage require a certain set of nutrients to function properly. The problem is we can no longer get all the nutrients we need through food alone. 

It's not my opinion but the scientists. Read more >>>

The nutritional content of food in the U.S. has diminished significantly over the past 50 years. From soil degradation, to the picking of fruits and vegetables before they're ripe, to the high cost of whole organic foods, we don't get the nutrients we fully need anymore. Supplementation is required to adequately keep our joints healthy. The question is,...which ones should we take?

3. Improve Your Body's Absorption of Protein:

People with joint pain are found to have a problem absorbing protein adequately from the foods they eat.  Protein is the building blocks of muscles and they're required to keep muscles strong. When weak, the joints lose their protection. This leads to more joint wear-n-tear. Exercise alone won't help if the muscles don't get the fuel they need to thrive. Exercise has its place but first we must optimize your body's absorption capabilities. Absorption issues can be caused by prolonged use of antibiotics, or other conditions such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease, chronic pancreatitis, etc. JNC helps increase absorption of protein and makes your body stronger without exercise.

1 Takeda, R.; Koike, T.; Taniguchi, I.; Tanaka, K. Double-blind placebo-controlled trial of hydroxytyrosol of Olea europaea on pain in gonarthrosis. Phytomedicine 2013, 20, 861–864

2 https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/vanishing-nutrients/

JNC can heal the most difficult joint problems...

"My knee and hip pain has gone away completely, and my bones don’t ache anymore.

I stopped taking JNC and noticed the pains came back... So now I take it regularly. In the past 3-months, I've gained muscle, which was something I was struggling with, and now my daughter is taking it and noticing the same improvements. I highly recommend it!

Eleanor Chambers
70 y/o female with Osteoarthritis

Here's how (and why) it works...

lowers systemic inflammation

The super antioxidants boost your body's ability to fight off toxins and decrease systemic inflammation.

stops pain

When the blood and lymph is clean and flowing, pain receptors normalize and calm down.

improves blood and heart circulation

Nutrients inside JNC are scientifically proven to improve blood vessel health and gets the smooth muscle functioning properly for better flow.

strong anti-oxidant for more energy

JNC goes beyond pain relief and gives you more energy as it helps to improve mitochondria function. More energy for your cells mean more energy for you!

Increase Flexibility, Motion & Function!

You don't have to let pain keep you from enjoying life.

It's not acceptable to resign and think you have to live with it.

Imagine getting up without the stiff, achey feeling in your joints anymore.

No more pins & needles, swelling, and fatigue.

JNC works from the inside - out.

The super antioxidants heal the body and joints.

They immediately bind to free radicals and toxins that cause inflammation and swelling, and removes them.

No more struggling to put on your pants, socks or shoes...

No more pain with basic things like sitting or standing...

No more difficulty getting up out of the chair, or getting in/out of the car...

Move more freely and get your life back!

How's it compare to other products?

JNC uses super nutrients and compounds that are scientifically proven to:

  1. Stop inflammation,
  2. Heal joints, and
  3. Increase strength. 

Some products offer one or the other, but NOT all 3.

Secondly, it's developed by a top physical therapist who specializes in nutrition and arthritis.

And third,...

It would take over 17 different products, and $300, to get all the ingredients found in ONE bottle of JNC 2!

You can't get these "Super Nutrients" from food or the standard American diet.

And you can't get them all in just one product like you can in JNC.

You only pay a Fraction of the Price of what it would cost to obtain through other products.

No more harmful drugs and temporary "band-aid" meds...

Take a "Smarter" step toward health, better joints and muscles, and enjoy a better body.

All you have to do is...

  • Take in the morning on empty stomach or with food
  • take breaks from sitting. Get up every 40-minutes.
  • feel less pain within hours (or a few days)

It even strengthens muscles without exercising. How?...

It improves your body's ability to uptake proteins. When your muscles get more fuel, you get stronger. Nice, right?! I have nothing against exercise (I personally enjoy it) but you must first improve uptake of protein.


What our clients are saying

I noticed a big difference the first week!

I can't say enough on how much more I can move. It truly is wonderful!

Nikki Sutter

Lower Back and Hip Pain OA

It helped me recover faster!

I noticed my usual sorenesses fade away. I recommend it any athlete young or old.

Albert Chavez

MMA Fighter

The pain in my knees are literally gone!

The swelling has gone down and I noticed significant improvement in only 2 weeks! 


Severe OA of Knees, Spine, Shoulders, Knees

Quick Comparison Chart

JNC Is The Best & Smartest Choice

*If you are on medications or have allergies, please check with your doctor prior to taking JNC. Not intended for those who are pregnant or immunocompromised.

It would take over 17 different products and $300 to get all the ingredients found in ONE bottle of JNC.

Choose Your Price!

for all ages






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120 Days Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

Along with a 5-Year Shelf Life when kept in cool, dark storage.

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing product, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

About Jeff Hubbard, PT

Jeff comes from a line of health and nutrition experts. His father was a pioneer in health foods and nutrition. And now, Jeff has picked up the torch to carry on his fathers work. He's dedicated and passionate about helping people discover their truest optimal health.  

Learn More About Jeff

He started Whole Potential Living to create products that he felt good about recommending to his patients. He often sees that supplements play a big role in improving the outcomes for his patients.  He has aching joints himself and experiments with different compounds. That's what led to him creating Joint NutraCare, or JNC for short. It contains the finest ingredients he feels are most important for joint health.  It's the finest product available on the market today, and we will continue to improve this formula as more research becomes available.

He graduated from the physical therapy program at Loma Linda University in 1996 and has been working as a physical therapists since then. He also has a masters degree in physics from California State Univ. Long Beach and a BS in biochemistry.  He studied medicine for 2 years in his early years passing boards part I, but left to study physics and then physical therapy.  He developed an interest in supplements from his father Richard Hubbard PhD biochemistry, who was involved in nutrition and supplement research for over 20 years.

Try JNC if you have joint pain and are open to a whole new approach to pain relief.

Jeff Hubbard, PT

Stop Joint Pain The Smart Way

"I noticed improvement in my knee the first hour of taking JNC!

The results were immediately. The last month, it's continuously gotten  better and better. I highly recommend it!"

Knee Pain, OA

It cured my chronic heel pain!

Nothing helped prior to JNC. I tried stretching and exercise -- I'm a physical therapist assistant so you'd think I could fix it. It wasn't until I tried JNC did it start getting better. Now, I'm able to get out of bed and walk with no pain at all. It's incredible. I know this will help you."

Heel Pain


What are the ingredients?


Formula 2 has a unique blend of over 17 of the best nutrients for joint and muscle health. See the list below.

Does it help reduce swelling?

Yes. There are several ways to reduce swelling such as lymph massage, exercises, pumps, etc. But the best way is to increase your body's own pump and mechanisms. The results are more powerful and longer lasting. JNC Formula 2 works from the inside - out to boost your body's lymphatic system.

How does it help with younger people?

Joint pain affects anyone of any age.

Age isn't really the issue but rather how well your body is fueled and able to heal and stop the pain.

We have clients who are kids to seniors. JNC Formula 2 is safe for kids. Anyone having joint pain and issues.

How long do they stay fresh and potent?

They stay fresh for up to 5 years when kept in cool, dark storage.

How much is it?

We strive to be as affordable as possible. It would take over 17 different products, and $300, to get all the ingredients found in ONE bottle of JNC Formula 2! 

Please click here to get the most current pricing. Thank you.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Users should not disregard, or delay in obtaining, medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.  We’ve taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent this product and program and it’s potential to help you. However, we do not guarantee you will get immediate results, if any at all. This is not a miracle cure product or program and by law we cannot guarantee that you will achieve any results by taking this product. Your level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors including your compliance with the recommended dosage, your condition, hereditary or genetic makeup, age, hydration level, and more. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee the exact success or results others have achieved. You alone are responsible for your actions and results. Our only guarantee is that you’ll be satisfied with the quality of the product.  If you are not satisfied you can have a full refund.


Whole Potential Living
c/o Jeff Hubbard
1143 Reservoir Rd
Mentone, CA 92359
(909) 809-7053
